Nagios Monitoring Agents
Nagios agents allow you to monitor services, processes, and key metrics (such as CPU load, memory usage, disk usage) on a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux.
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See Also: Agentless Monitoring, Operating Systems
Latest Monitoring Agent Articles

Monitoring Agent Tutorials Coming Soon
Nagios agents allow you to monitor services, processes, and key metrics (such as CPU load, memory usage, disk usage) on a variety of operating systems
AIX Agent Installation
This is a guide to help you install the AIX Monitoring Agent and Wizard. Installing_The_XI_AIX_Agent.pdf
Solaris Agent Installation
This is a guide to help you install the Solaris Monitoring Agent and Wizard. Solaris Monitoring Agent Installation
Installing the XI Mac OSX Agent
This document describes how to install the OS/X agent for monitoring with Nagios XI. Installing the XI Mac OSX Agent

Installing the Linux Agent
This video will show you how to install the Linux Agent on a Red Hat, CentOS, or Fedora system that you want to monitor with
Installing The Nagios Ubuntu and Debian Linux Agent
In order to monitor a Linux/Unix desktop or server with Nagios XI, you must first install an agent on the target machine. This guide takes