NRPE Nagios Agent
NRPE is a Nagios agent that can monitor Linux and Unix machines.
Latest NRPE Articles

Monitoring Agent Tutorials Coming Soon
Nagios agents allow you to monitor services, processes, and key metrics (such as CPU load, memory usage, disk usage) on a variety of operating systems
Nagios XI – Monitoring Linux Using NRPE and Linux Server Monitoring Wizard
This document describes how to monitor Linux hosts with Nagios XI by using the Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) and the Linux Server configuration wizard.
Enabling NRPE With NSClient++ version 0.4.x
This document describes how to configure NRPE Listener in NSClient++ version 0.4.x for Nagios XI on a client system. It is intended for use by
NRPE Troubleshooting and Common Solutions
This document describes how to troubleshoot NRPE agent issues. It covers solutions to common problems/errors and general troubleshooting tips. Additionally, it provides a simple framework
Source Based NRPE Installation and XI
This document describes how to install and configure NRPE from source for use with Nagios XI. The linux-nrpe-agent that ships with Nagios XI is only
Monitoring Hosts Using NRPE
This document describes how to monitor hosts with Nagios XI by using NRPE. This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators who want