Introducing The Nagios Chat Bot – A New Way to Communicate with Nagios

Picture of Stephen Sutherland
Stephen Sutherland
Customer Success Manager
Picture depicting someone using their phone to communicate with a chat bot.

Here at Nagios, we are grateful to have a community of users in every corner of the world who trust us for their monitoring needs. From the inception of our renowned open-source solution Nagios Core (now part of the Nagios Core Services Platform or “CSP”), to the most recent releases of our Enterprise level commercial solutions, Nagios has always recognized the importance of the community who have helped get us to where we are.

As a private US-based company with a global presence, we recognize the many time zone differences amongst the community mean we aren’t always awake and online to field your questions. Enter: The Nagios Chat Bot or “NagBot” – an AI driven tool designed to make it easier for you to get your questions answered.

The ability for our users to communicate effectively with each other and with us at Nagios has always been an integral part of our mission. From our community driven Nagios Support Forum to the Nagios Exchange, we want to ensure you can workshop ideas, ask questions, or show off an awesome new plug in you created to the world. The NagBot is another way for you to communicate with us.

How to use The Nagios Chat Bot

We have trained our AI bot to answer a plethora of common questions and provide you with any associated technical documentation you may need. It is our goal to make sure you have access to answers and resources as quickly as possible so you can get back to focusing on what matters most: monitoring. To utilize our chat bot, follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to one of our sites (listed in the “Where can I find The Nagios Chat Bot” section below), and click on the message icon in the bottom right portion of the page.
Picture of the webpage with an arrow depicting where to open the chat bot.
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  • Click into the “Start a conversation” field.
Screenshot from with an arrow showing where to start a conversation with the Nagios Chat Bot.
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  • Ask your question. For example, “How can I monitor my switch with XI?”
  • If the AI powered answer is not exactly what you are looking for, you can click the “Get more help” button.
  • Select “Sales and Account” or “Technical help,” and a member of the appropriate Nagios team will join the conversation to further assist you as soon as possible.
Screenshot of the Nagios chat bot message window demonstrating how to ask a question, and what type of answer to expect.
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Screenshot of Nagios chat bot message window demonstrating how to request a real person by clicking the "Get more help" button.
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Members of the Nagios Support and Sales teams monitor the NagBot during our normal hours of operation, so if you click the “Get more help” button within the chat, you can expect to interact with one of our team within a few minutes. If you request more help outside of our business hours, a member of the appropriate team will contact you within the chat session as soon as possible once we return to the office. We appreciate your patience during these times, but are hopeful the AI powered bot will be able to assist you with some of the immediate questions you may have!

Where can I find The Nagios Chat Bot?

You can now find the chat bot on our websites below:

Plans for the future

Introducing this tool to our websites is just the first step in in our implementation plans. Nagios is constantly evolving how we provide support and work with our customers and userbase. We are working on and intend to further implement this chat bot functionality into our full suite of commercial products. To stay up to date on new things happening at Nagios, please make sure to follow and subscribe to our YouTube, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), and Facebook pages! We will also be posting articles pertaining to the greater Nagios Community here at the Nagios Library Community page.
