How to Setup Zorin OS for NCPA in Nagios XI

Picture of Steven Phan
Steven Phan
Zorin OS Wallpaper_imresizer

Monitoring a Zorin OS system with NCPA using Nagios XI can be used for maintaining performance and reliability. It allows tracking of key metrics such as CPU, memory, disk usage, and network traffic to proactively identify and resolve issues. This approach minimizes downtime and enhances resource management, ensuring optimal system health. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to set up Zorin OS for NCPA on Nagios XI, ensuring optimal system performance and reliability.


Here are the requirements on what you need:

  • Zorin OS device
  • Administrative Privileges
  • Nagios XI Instance
  • Internet connection to download packages

Step 1: Install NCPA on Zorin OS

Download the NCPA package for your system from the Nagios NCPA website. Get the DEB Linux one, which Zorin OS is based on Debian.

NCPA Download Zorin OS 1
NCPA Download Page

Locate your NCPA file from your file manager.

NCPA File Manager Zorin OS
Download Folder

Press the Run Anyway to continue with the installation.

Run Anyway Zorin OS
Warning Message

Install the NCPA file from the installer.

Install NCPA Zorin OS
Installing NCPA

Step 2: Configure NCPA

Open a terminal and use a text editor to edit the NCPA configuration file located at /usr/local/ncpa/etc/ncpa.cfg.

sudo nano/usr/local/ncpa/etc/ncpa.cfg

Find the [api] section and set your secure token in the community string and change mytoken to your desire token. The token is used for authentication between Nagios XI and the NCPA agent.

community_string = mytoken
NCPA File Configuration Zorin OS
NCPA Configuration File

Step 3: Start NCPA Service

After editing the configuration file, start and enable NCPA service to apply the changes.

sudo systemctl start ncpa
sudo systemctl enable ncpa

Step 4: Firewall Configuration

If your have firewall enable, you need to configure your firewall to allow traffic on port 5693

sudo ufw allow 5693/tcp
sudo ufw reload

After configuring the firewall, you can verify that the port is open.

sudo ufw status

Step 5: Accessing the NCPA Webpage

You can go to the NCPA webpage by going to a web browser and enter the following URL in the address bar, replacing NCPA_IP_Address with or with the IP address of your Zorin OS machine. The port number is default at 5693.


After getting to the webpage’s URL, a security warning for an unfamiliar site will show up.

Security Message Zorin OS
Security Message

Bypass this by pressing Advanced and continue to your webpage.

After that, you will see the NCPA login page. You will be prompted to enter the authentication token you set from your NCPA configuration file. Enter the token to access the web interface.

NCPA Login Zorin OS
NCPA Webpage Login

Once logged in, you can explore various sections of the NCPA web interface.

NCPA Webpage Dashboard Zorin OS
NCPA Webpage Dashboard

Step 6: Add Zorin OS Host to Nagios XI

Log in to your Nagios XI web interface.

XI Login 2
Nagios XI Login

Proceed to the menu from the left and select Configure > Configuration Wizards from the side menu.

Configure to Wizard XI
Configure > Configuration Wizards

Find the Linux Server wizard from the list to start your NCPA configuration process.

Linux Server Wizard Page XI
Configuration Wizards

Enter the IP address of your Zorin OS machine and your token you set before for authentication between Nagios XI and NCPA. The port number defaults to 5693.

Linux Server Configuration Wizard Page XI
Linux Server Configuration Wizard

Review the configuration summary and click Finish to apply the configuration. Nagios XI will now start monitoring the Zorin OS host.

Step 7: Verify Monitoring

Once the configuration is applied, go to Home > Service Detail to view the status of the services being monitored on your Zorin OS host. Check that the checks are running correctly and the data is being collected.

NCPA Status XI Zorin OS 1
Service Status for Zorin OS


This concludes the setup for configuring Zorin OS with NCPA on Nagios XI. Your system is now ready for comprehensive monitoring, allowing you to track key metrics and ensure optimal performance and reliability. With this setup, you can proactively identify and resolve issues, minimizing downtime and enhancing resource management. If you have additional questions or other support-related questions, please visit us at our Nagios Support Forum, Nagios Knowledge Base, or Nagios Library.
