How to Set Up SNMP for Elementary OS using Nagios XI

Picture of Steven Phan
Steven Phan
elementary OS Wallpaper 2 1200x630

Nagios SNMP can be used for elementary OS as it facilitates comprehensive monitoring of system performance and network devices. By integrating SNMP with Nagios XI, administrators can effectively manage and secure their IT environment, ensuring optimal reliability and efficiency. Here is the procedure with instructions on setting up SNMP for elementary OS using Nagios XI.


Here are the required needs:

  • A device running elementary OS.
  • Require admin privileges to change important things.
  • Have a Nagios XI instance installed on your system.
  • Internet capable to download software packages

Step 1: Install SNMP Packages

First, you’ll need to install the necessary SNMP packages on your elementary OS system. Open a terminal and run the following command.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install snmp snmpd

Step 2: Configure SNMP

Next, you should configure SNMP. Open the SNMP configuration file and make sure to back up the original file before editing.

sudo cp /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.bak
sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

If the SNMP file isn’t there, you may use the following command to manually make one.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/snmp

Find the community line and configure it by changing your_strong_community_string with your secure string for authentication and your_nagios_xi_server_ip with the IP address from your Nagios XI server and then save your file.

rocommunity your_strong_community_string your_nagios_xi_server_ip

Step 3: Restart and Enable SNMP Service

Restart and start the SNMP service to ensure it runs automatically on boot.

sudo systemctl restart snmpd
sudo systemctl enable snmpd

Step 4: Verify SNMP Functionally

Check the status of the SNMP service to ensure it is running correctly.

sudo systemctl status snmpd

If you want to allow SNMP traffic, update the firewall rules for your device.

sudo ufw allow from your_nagios_xi_server_ip to any port 161 proto udp
sudo ufw reload

From your Nagios XI server, use snmpwalk to test connectivity by using your community string and your elementary OS IP address.

snmpwalk -v2c -c your_strong_community_string elementary_os_ip_address

Step 5: Integrate with Nagios XI

Open a web browser and login to your Nagios XI web interface.

Nagios XI Login EOS
Nagios XI Login

From the main page, navigate to the gear icon and click Configuration Wizards and search SNMP from the search bar to find the Linux SNMP wizard.

Wizard List XI EOS
Configuration Wizards

Provide your IP address of your elementary OS system and your SNMP credentials for your community string you created.

Linux SNMP setup XI EOS
Linux SNMP Configuration Wizard

For this step, configure the following options of your choice by selecting what SNMP services you want to monitor and metrics you want to monitor. Then complete the wizard if you’re done by applying the configuration.

Linux SNMP setup 2 XI EOS
More Linux SNMP Configuration

Step 6: Verify Monitoring

Check that Nagios XI is receiving SNMP data from your device running elementary OS after the wizard is finished. Verify that the status indicators are green, which indicate effective monitoring, by going to the Host and Service Status in the Nagios XI interface.

SNMP Status Page XI EOS 1
Service Status


By following these steps, you can configure SNMP on elementary OS and integrate it with Nagios XI for efficient monitoring. This setup enables you to collect detailed metrics, manage your IT environment proactively, and ensure optimal performance and security. If you have additional questions or other support-related questions, please visit us at our Nagios Support Forum, Nagios Knowledge Base, or Nagios Library.
