How to Monitor Zorin OS using SNMP for Nagios XI

Picture of Steven Phan
Steven Phan
Zorin OS Wallpaper 2_imresizer-min

Integrating Nagios SNMP with Nagios XI can be beneficial for Zorin OS, as it enables efficient monitoring of system performance and network devices. This setup provides detailed insights into various metrics, allowing for proactive management and enhanced security of your IT environment. By leveraging SNMP with Nagios XI, you can ensure optimal reliability, performance, and efficiency of your Zorin OS systems. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to monitor Zorin OS using SNMP with Nagios XI.


The requirements for this guide before you begin:

  • Zorin OS device
  • Administrative Privileges
  • Nagios XI Instance
  • Internet connection to download packages

Step 1: Install SNMP on Zorin OS

Update your package list:

sudo apt update

Install SNMP and SNMP daemon:

sudo apt install snmp snmpd

Step 2: Configure SNMP on Zorin OS

Edit the SNMP configuration file in a text editor.

sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

If the SNMP file does not exist, you can create it manually using the following command.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/snmp

Add the following line to your configuration file. Replace YourCommunityString with your desired community string and NagiosServerIP with the IP address of your Nagios XI server.

rocommunity YourCommunityString NagiosServerIP

This example show what the community string could look like.

rocommunity MySecureCommunityString 192.168.x.x

Save your change and restart the SNMP daemon.

sudo systemctl restart snmpd

Step 3: Configure Firewall

If your firewall is on, make you allow SNMP traffic through the firewall.

sudo ufw allow 161/udp
sudo ufw reload

Step 4: Add Zorin OS Host to Nagios XI

Open a web browser to login to Nagios XI webpage.

XI Login 3
Nagios XI Login

Navigate to the panel from the left and go to Configure > Configuration Wizards.

Configure to Wizard XI 1
Configure > Configuration Wizards

Look for Linux SNMP from the list of the configuration wizards.

Wizard Page Linux SNMP XI Zorin OS
Configuration Wizards

Configure your SNMP for your Zorin OS machine by putting your IP address of your system and set your SNMP community string.

Linux SNMP Configuration Wizard XI Zorin OS
Linux SNMP Wizard

After that, configure your monitoring settings by choosing the services you want to monitor, like memory usage, and set thresholds for alerts if needed. Then review the configuration summary to ensure all details are correct and click Finish to apply the configuration.

Step 5: Verify Monitoring

Check the status of the services on your Zorin OS host by going to Home > Service Detail on the Nagios XI main page to verify if your device is being monitored.

SNMP Status XI Zorin OS
Service Status Page


By following this guide, you have successfully set up monitoring for Zorin OS using SNMP with Nagios XI. This integration allows you to efficiently track system performance and network devices, ensuring optimal reliability and security. If you have additional questions or other support-related questions, please visit us at our Nagios Support Forum, Nagios Knowledge Base, or Nagios Library.
