Chef Nagios Integration

Picture of Jack Brisben
Jack Brisben


Managing IT infrastructure efficiently requires robust monitoring solutions and automation tools. Nagios XI provides powerful monitoring capabilities, ensuring system health and performance, while Chef automates deployments and configurations across multiple servers. By integrating Chef with Nagios XI, organizations can streamline monitoring setups, enforce consistency, and scale monitoring environments with ease.

Why Use Chef for Nagios XI?

  1. Automation and Efficiency Chef automates the deployment, configuration, and management of Nagios XI, eliminating manual setup processes and reducing errors.
  2. Consistency Across Infrastructure With Chef’s infrastructure-as-code approach, organizations can enforce standardized configurations and monitoring setups across multiple servers, minimizing configuration drift.
  3. Scalability Adding new hosts, services, or devices to be monitored is seamless with Chef, allowing IT teams to scale their monitoring infrastructure efficiently.
  4. Simplified Updates and Maintenance Keeping Nagios XI and its plugins up to date across multiple servers becomes effortless with automated Chef cookbooks.
  5. Custom Monitoring Setup Chef can deploy custom monitoring scripts or plugins, tailoring Nagios XI to specific monitoring needs.


Before automating Nagios XI with Chef, ensure the following:

  • Chef Workstation Installed for writing and managing cookbooks.
  • Chef Client Installed on target nodes.
  • Nagios XI Installed and running.
  • SSH Access to target servers.
  • Administrative Privileges for installations and configurations.

Installing the Nagios XI Monitoring Agent with Chef

To monitor target servers, install the Nagios XI agent (NRPE or NCPA) using a Chef recipe.

Example Chef Recipe for Installing NRPE:

package %w(nagios-nrpe-server nagios-plugins) do
  action :install

execute 'configure_nrpe' do
  command "sed -i 's/^allowed_hosts=.*/allowed_hosts=,#{node['nagios']['server_ip']}/' /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg"
  action :run

service 'nagios-nrpe-server' do
  action [:enable, :restart]


  1. Save the recipe in a cookbook.
  2. Apply the cookbook using chef-client on the target node.
  3. Verify the agent installation using Nagios XI.

Configuring Nagios XI with Chef

Chef can automate the configuration of hosts and services in Nagios XI by modifying the configuration files.

Example Chef Recipe to Add a Host to Nagios XI:

file "/usr/local/nagios/etc/servers/#{node['hostname']}.cfg" do
  content "define host {\n use linux-server\n host_name #{node['hostname']}\n address #{node['ipaddress']}\n check_command check-host-alive\n}"
  action :create

service 'nagios' do
  action :restart

Deploying Custom Monitoring Scripts with Chef

Custom monitoring scripts help tailor Nagios XI to an organization’s specific needs. Chef can push these scripts to multiple servers efficiently.

Example Recipe to Deploy a Custom Script:

cookbook_file '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/' do
  source ''
  mode '0755'
  action :create

Scaling and Managing Nagios XI with Chef

When adding new hosts, Chef can automate the discovery and integration into Nagios XI, ensuring continuous scalability without manual intervention.

Steps to Scale Monitoring Setup:

  • Use Chef’s search capabilities to detect new hosts.
  • Apply predefined recipes to install agents and add configurations.
  • Automate the restart of Nagios services to apply changes.

Testing and Troubleshooting

Verification Steps:

  • Confirm NRPE or NCPA service status: systemctl status nagios-nrpe-server
  • Check Nagios XI configuration syntax: nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
  • Restart Nagios XI service if needed: systemctl restart nagios


By integrating Chef with Nagios XI, organizations can streamline monitoring deployments, automate configurations, and scale their infrastructure effortlessly. This approach ensures consistency, reduces manual intervention, and enhances the overall efficiency of IT monitoring processes. Implementing automation with Chef empowers IT teams to maintain reliable, up-to-date, and scalable monitoring environments with minimal effort. For additional support, visit the Nagios Support Forum or Nagios Knowledgebase.
