How to Configure SNMP on CentOS Stream 9 and Integrate It with Nagios XI

Picture of Ayub Huruse
Ayub Huruse

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an essential tool for monitoring and managing network devices, allowing administrators to efficiently collect and track critical system data. By enabling SNMP on CentOS Stream 9, IT teams can gain deeper visibility into system performance and streamline infrastructure management. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing and configuring SNMP on CentOS Stream 9 and integrating it with Nagios XI for seamless remote monitoring.


Before starting, ensure you have:

  • A CentOS Stream 9 system with sudo or root privileges
  • A stable internet connection to download required packages
  • An operational Nagios XI server (accessible from the CentOS machine)
  • Optional: Basic familiarity with Linux command-line operations”

Step 1: Installing SNMP Packages

To begin, install the core SNMP packages on your CentOS Stream 9 system:

sudo dnf install -y net-snmp net-snmp-utils

This command installs the SNMP daemon and utilities required to interact with SNMP-enabled devices.


After installation, confirm the SNMP daemon is installed by checking its version:

snmpd -v

Step 2: Enabling and Starting SNMP Service

Next, enable and start the SNMP service to ensure it runs automatically on boot:

sudo systemctl enable snmpd  
sudo systemctl start snmpd

The enable command configures the service for automatic startup, while start launches it immediately.

Step 3: Verifying SNMP Status

Verify that the SNMP service is operational:

sudo systemctl status snmpd

Look for Active: active (running) in the output to confirm the service is functioning. If it’s inactive or failed, review the logs with journalctl -u snmpd for troubleshooting.

Step 4: Configuring SNMP for Secure Access

The SNMP configuration file needs to be modified for proper security settings. Open the file:

sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

Find the com2sec directive (or add it if missing) and configure it as follows:

com2sec readonly MySecureCommunity
  • Replace MySecureCommunity with a unique, strong community string (e.g., X7kP9mNq2v). Avoid easily guessable values like public.
  • The subnet restricts queries to this network. Adjust it to match your environment (e.g.,

Save the file (Ctrl+O, Enter, Ctrl+X in nano), then restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart snmpd

Step 5: Testing SNMP on the Local Machine

Test SNMP functionality locally with:

snmpwalk -v2c -c MySecureCommunity localhost

This queries the SNMP daemon using SNMP v2c and your custom community string. A successful response will display system details (e.g., OID data like sysDescr.0). If you receive a timeout or error, ensure the service is running and the community string matches your configuration.

Step 6: Configuring Firewall Rules for Remote Access

Enable remote SNMP access by updating the firewall:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=161/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Port 161/UDP is the default for SNMP. Verify the rule is active:

sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

Look for 161/udp under ports in the output. If it’s missing, recheck your commands.”

Step 7: Testing SNMP Remotely

From a remote machine, test SNMP connectivity:

snmpwalk -v2c -c MySecureCommunity <server-ip>

Substitute <server-ip> with your CentOS Stream 9 server’s IP (e.g., A successful query returns system data. If it fails, verify network reachability (ping <server-ip>), firewall settings, and the community string.”

Additional Testing

You can also use snmpget for targeted queries:

snmpget -v2c -c MySecureCommunity <server-ip> sysName.0

This retrieves the system hostname (e.g., SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: centos9-server).

Monitoring with Nagios XI

Step 1: Open the SNMP Wizard

  • Log in to Nagios XI.
  • Navigate to Configure > Run a Configuration Wizard.
  • Select SNMP Monitoring Wizard.
Screenshot 2025 03 13 072400
SNMP wizard

Step 2: Add Your Host

  • Enter your Host Name and type in the SNMP Community string you created.
  • Select SNMP v2c unless using SNMP v3.
Screenshot 2025 03 13 072513
SNMP config

Step 3: Select SNMP Services

  • Choose the SNMP services you want to monitor (e.g., CPU Load, Memory Usage, Network Interfaces).
  • Click Next, then Finish with the default settings.

Troubleshooting Common SNMP Issues

Here are solutions to three frequent issues you might face during SNMP setup:

1. “Timeout: No Response” During snmpwalk

  • Symptom: snmpwalk -v2c -c MySecureCommunity localhost or remote tests return a timeout.
  • Possible Causes: SNMP service isn’t running, firewall blocking port 161/UDP, or incorrect community string.
  • Fixes:
    • Check service status: sudo systemctl status snmpd (start with sudo systemctl start snmpd if stopped).
    • Verify firewall: sudo firewall-cmd --list-all (add 161/udp with sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=161/udp and sudo firewall-cmd --reload if missing).
    • Ensure the community string matches /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf and the querying IP is in the allowed subnet (e.g.,

2. SNMP Service Fails to Start

  • Symptom: sudo systemctl status snmpd shows Active: failed.
  • Possible Cause: Syntax error in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf or package corruption.
  • Fixes:
    • Review logs: journalctl -u snmpd for errors (e.g., “invalid token”).
    • Restore the backup: sudo cp /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.bak /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf, then sudo systemctl restart snmpd.
    • Reinstall: sudo dnf reinstall net-snmp net-snmp-utils.

3. Nagios XI Shows “Connection Refused” or No Data

  • Symptom: Nagios XI can’t connect to the server or shows no SNMP metrics.
  • Possible Causes: Network issue or mismatched SNMP settings.
  • Fixes:
    • Test connectivity: From Nagios XI, run ping <server-ip> and snmpwalk -v2c -c MySecureCommunity <server-ip>.
    • Confirm Nagios XI settings (community string, v2c, IP) match your SNMP config.
    • Check Nagios logs: Admin > System Information > View Log Files for clues.

Quick Tip

  • Use journalctl -xe or tail -f /var/log/messages to dig deeper into any issue.


You have successfully installed and configured SNMP on CentOS Stream 9. This setup allows your server to be monitored remotely, enhancing network management capabilities. You also configured SNMP monitoring with Nagios XI, which provides a powerful interface for tracking system performance and network activity.

Next Steps

  • Implement SNMP v3 for enhanced security.
  • Set up SNMP traps in Nagios XI to receive alerts on critical events.
  • Use custom SNMP queries to monitor specific system parameters.

By adding your SNMP-enabled server to Nagios XI, you can gain deeper insights into system health, set up alerts, and optimize network monitoring for better performance.
