Upgrading Nagios XI

Picture of Ethan Galstad
Ethan Galstad
Nagios Library Home Page Image

This document describes how to upgrade an existing Nagios XI installation with the latest updates and patches.


Target Audience

This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators, Nagios Authorized Resellers, and implementation partners.

NOTICE: To upgrade to Nagios XI 2024 from previous versions, you must first upgrade your Nagios XI instance to 5.10 and have converted your database to MySQL if you are using Postgres. See Converting Postgres to MySQL.


It is recommended to backup your existing Nagios XI installation before attempting the upgrade process. Please refer to the following documentation: Backing Up and Restoring Nagios XI

Test Environment

It is highly recommended that you create and maintain a Nagios XI test environment. You should first upgrade your test environment before upgrading your production environment. This ensures that when upgrades are necessary, or major configuration changes are implemented, there are not adverse effects to the main monitoring system. The test install allows teams to “preview” their changes without jeopardizing the main system. Please see the Nagios XI Licensing Policy for more information.

Internet Access

Internet access is required for upgrades! If your server does not have internet access, you will need to follow our offline procedure in the following documentation: Installing Nagios XI in an Offline Environment

Terminal Access

These instructions require you to establish a terminal session to the server you plan to install Nagios XI on. You will need to login to your server as the root user to perform the installation.

Upgrade Nagios XI

There are three methods for upgrading Nagios XI, they all perform an upgrade of your existing installation.

Using Nagios XI Web Interface

Upgrading Nagios XI from the web interface is detailed in the following documentation: How to Upgrade Nagios XI Using the Web UI.

Manual Download

Alternatively, you can upgrade Nagios XI by issuing the following commands in your terminal session:

cd /tmp
rm -rf nagiosxi xi*.tar.gz
wget http://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/xi-latest.tar.gz
tar xzf xi-latest.tar.gz
cd nagiosxi

Note: If you need to upgrade to a specific version of Nagios XI, please visit the following page of Nagios XI versions to obtain the URL, use that in the wget command above.

RPM Upgrade

See Nagios Repositories for instructions on how to upgrade Nagios XI via online RPMs

Verifying Upgrade

Once the upgrade has completed you should see a message like the following:

Nagios XI Upgrade Complete!
You can access the Nagios XI web interface by visiting:

You should now login to the Nagios XI interface and verify everything is still working. If you are already logged in from earlier, log out and back in again. The Nagios XI interface can be accessed using the URL provided in the upgrade complete message.

Clearing The Session Cache

Once you’ve logged into the Nagios XI interface, hold down the shift key and click the reload button in your browser to clear out any old session variables and clear cached JavaScript code.

License Activation

If you are upgrading to Nagios XI 2011 or later, you will be required to activate your license key before you can access certain features. Information on activating your license key can be in the following document: Nagios XI – Activating Your License

Finishing Up

This completes the documentation on how to upgrade Nagios XI. If you have additional questions or other support related questions, please visit us at our Nagios Support Forums or Knowledgebase.
